
Foxes can swim too

زمان تقریبی مطالعه: کمتر از یک دقیقه

A man who leaved in Canada once bought a small island. The island was in the middle of the great saint Lawrence river. Then he bought six beautiful foxes and took then to him island. He said to himself, "these foxes will have many young once. I'll kill some of then and sell their skins. I may became quite rich After a few .months he returned to the island

But he could not find even one fox. He told a friend about this

The friend said, "You forget one thing. You forget that foxes can swim very well. Your foxes have swum away from your island. You'll never see them again.




خانم یاحقی زاده
جمعه، 03 شهریور 1402